How to Prepare for Your First Long Haul

A lot of preparation goes into a long-haul drive, so you need to know what you’re up against ahead of time. Some aspects of your preparation won’t be as obvious as others, so get your routine in order before you hit the road. Keep reading and find out how you should prepare for your first long haul.

Eat and Sleep Right
A long drive can be tough to handle if you’re not in the right state of mind, which means you should get yourself healthy and prepared to take on the journey ahead. Your eating and sleeping habits will become even more important when you spend your days and nights on the road. The sooner you get yourself into a healthy routine, the easier it will be to stick to it once you set out for your first long haul.

Check Your Vehicle
Before you take your truck out for any amount of time, you should inspect it to make sure there are no necessary repairs or maintenance issues to deal with. This is especially important before going out on your first long haul. Check out your vehicle while you’re still near your local mechanic.

Bring Entertainment
It’s normal to get a little lonely when you’re out on the road by yourself, but entertainment can be a lifesaver. If you’re not traveling with a companion, be sure to bring a media player so you can listen to music or audiobooks while you drive. This way you get some entertainment out of the experience, and you might not feel so alone. Remember that you’ll also have plenty of time off from driving while you’re out, so take that time to catch up on your favorite TV shows or watch a new movie.

Are you an aspiring truck driver who wants to get ready for the first long haul as soon as possible? Call Phoenix Truck Driving School at Ft. Bliss at (877) 206-8344 to see how our school can help you prepare yourself.

How to Prepare for Your First Long Haul

A lot of preparation goes into a long-haul drive, so you need to know what you’re up against ahead of time. Some aspects of your preparation won’t be as obvious as others, so get your routine in order before you hit the road. Keep reading and find out how you should prepare for your first long haul.

Eat and Sleep Right
A long drive can be tough to handle if you’re not in the right state of mind, which means you should get yourself healthy and prepared to take on the journey ahead. Your eating and sleeping habits will become even more important when you spend your days and nights on the road. The sooner you get yourself into a healthy routine, the easier it will be to stick to it once you set out for your first long haul.

Check Your Vehicle
Before you take your truck out for any amount of time, you should inspect it to make sure there are no necessary repairs or maintenance issues to deal with. This is especially important before going out on your first long haul. Check out your vehicle while you’re still near your local mechanic.

Bring Entertainment
It’s normal to get a little lonely when you’re out on the road by yourself, but entertainment can be a lifesaver. If you’re not traveling with a companion, be sure to bring a media player so you can listen to music or audiobooks while you drive. This way you get some entertainment out of the experience, and you might not feel so alone. Remember that you’ll also have plenty of time off from driving while you’re out, so take that time to catch up on your favorite TV shows or watch a new movie.

Are you an aspiring truck driver who wants to get ready for the first long haul as soon as possible? Call Phoenix Truck Driving School at Ft. Bliss at (877) 206-8344 to see how our school can help you prepare yourself.

How to Prepare for Your First Long Haul

A lot of preparation goes into a long-haul drive, so you need to know what you’re up against ahead of time. Some aspects of your preparation won’t be as obvious as others, so get your routine in order before you hit the road. Keep reading and find out how you should prepare for your first long haul.

Eat and Sleep Right
A long drive can be tough to handle if you’re not in the right state of mind, which means you should get yourself healthy and prepared to take on the journey ahead. Your eating and sleeping habits will become even more important when you spend your days and nights on the road. The sooner you get yourself into a healthy routine, the easier it will be to stick to it once you set out for your first long haul.

Check Your Vehicle
Before you take your truck out for any amount of time, you should inspect it to make sure there are no necessary repairs or maintenance issues to deal with. This is especially important before going out on your first long haul. Check out your vehicle while you’re still near your local mechanic.

Bring Entertainment
It’s normal to get a little lonely when you’re out on the road by yourself, but entertainment can be a lifesaver. If you’re not traveling with a companion, be sure to bring a media player so you can listen to music or audiobooks while you drive. This way you get some entertainment out of the experience, and you might not feel so alone. Remember that you’ll also have plenty of time off from driving while you’re out, so take that time to catch up on your favorite TV shows or watch a new movie.

Are you an aspiring truck driver who wants to get ready for the first long haul as soon as possible? Call Phoenix Truck Driving School at Ft. Bliss at (877) 206-8344 to see how our school can help you prepare yourself.

What Do You Need to Enter a CDL Program?

Going to school to earn your commercial driver’s license is the first step in getting a job in the trucking industry, but not just anyone can sign up. You must be of a certain age and have driving experience, pass the physical and drug test, and understand conversational English. Read on for an overview of what you need to enter a CDL program.

Age and Experience
You need to be at least 18 in order to earn your commercial driver’s license, but you might have to be older than that depending on the specific type of license you’re looking for. You can apply for an intrastate CDL at 18 years of age, but you have to be 21 or older for an interstate license. You also need an active driver’s license a year’s worth of regular driving experience under your seatbelt in order to register for a program.

Physical and Drug Test
You might not think physical fitness has much to do with being a truck driver, but your physical condition actually plays a big role. People who are in poor health will need to make more stops on the road, and they may have a harder time staying focused and avoiding accidents while driving. In order to enter a CDL program, you have to meet the Department of Transportation’s physical requirements. You’re also required to pass a drug test prior to enrollment.

Understanding of English
Whether you’re driving locally or across several state borders, you need to be able to interact with dispatchers, other drivers, and business owners. Since the primary language in America is English, you must have a working understanding of the language.

If you’re interested in enrolling in a CDL program so you can become a truck driver, call the Phoenix Truck Driving School of Ft. Bliss at (877) 206-8344 to get started. You can learn about our admission requirements and more by visiting our website.

OTR vs. Local: What Is Best for You?

OTR, or over the road, and local driving are two different types of commercial driving. OTR drivers go farther distances and spend more time on the road, while local drivers’ routes are closer to the central area. If you’re deciding between OTR and local, continue reading and see which one is best for you.

Family Time
Since OTR drivers take on longer distances, they have to go farther away from home and won’t be able to see their families as frequently. Whereas local drivers might get to go home every night or two, OTR drivers may spend the better part of the week on the road. If you have young children that you want to be around, it might be best to go with local driving. As your kids grow up and you can spend more time out, you might switch to OTR driving.

You’re not going to see anything too out of the ordinary if you’re driving along the same routes every day, as a local driver might, so OTR driving has the advantage when it comes to sightseeing. You’ll see places and landscapes you’ve never seen when you travel for long stretches, which is what draws some people to the job in the first place. If you’re in it for the sightseeing, then consider OTR driving.

Job Security
Knowing that you have a job to show up to every day and a steady paycheck to make a living off of is comforting, and truck drivers in general enjoy a great deal of job security. If you want to be as comfortable as possible in your job security, know that OTR drivers are retained slightly more than local drivers.

No matter which option seems more appealing, you have to start by earning your commercial driver’s license. The Phoenix Truck Driving School of Ft. Bliss is happy to help you prepare, so visit our website or call us at (877) 206-8344 today.

Look at the Future of Truck Driving

The driving industry is always improving in safety standards and technological advancements. These same improvements are also applied to the truck driving industry. Professional drivers will soon have access to all-electric rigs, exceptional technology, and more resources. Read on for a better look at the future of truck driving.

All-Electric Rigs
One of the most exciting advances in truck driving came recently from Tesla, the car manufacturer. Tesla has unveiled an all-electric semi-truck called Semi. This truck features the latest technology to assist drivers throughout their drive. It features autopilot options and maximum visibility to ensure drivers are safe at all times. The electric features also reduce the fuel cost by half, which can save trucking companies and drivers hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.

Automated Technology
Automated technology is becoming more prevalent every year. New cars often offer self-parking, slowdown capabilities, and pedestrian awareness. All of these features will be offered for new trucks over the next several years. These features will help drivers to maintain better safety throughout their long drives, and they can help reduce engine wear and tear or fuel usage. These advancements are important to the world of truck driving, because they bring the industry into the modern age of safety and sustainability.

Smartphone Apps
Smartphone apps are very important to daily life, because they can help with directions, personal information, and making payments. Many apps, such as Uber Freight, are marketed toward truck drivers. This app helps drivers, who own their own trucks, to find jobs. These drivers can look at the details of different hauls throughout the country and choose the ones best for their personal and professional situations. Drivers can also receive quick payments using the app, which helps keep their business active.

Learn more about the truck driving industry by attending Phoenix Truck Driving School in Ft. Bliss. We offer comprehensive driving programs to help students earn their CDL, as well as financial assistance. Please call us at (877) 206-8344 for more information.

Which Military Skills Can You Use as a Trucker?

Even if you’ve never worked in the commercial trucking industry, you might have some experience that can help you quickly adjust to the responsibilities. If you’ve served in the military, there are a few skills that can translate to your new career. Here’s a look at the military skills you can use as a trucker.

Handling Heavy Machinery

Joining the military doesn’t necessarily mean being on the frontlines, and there are countless skills that you might learn during your time in the service. If handling heavy machinery happens to be one of those skills, then you might have an easy transition into life as a professional truck driver once you get home. Handling heavy machinery, especially large vehicles, is part of everyday life as a professional trucker, and having this kind of background might put you at the top of the list of candidates for the job.

Staying Focused and Organized

Whether you’re in the military or you drive trucks for a living, you’re probably going to deal with long hours. It’s important to be able to keep yourself focused all day, every day. Focus and organization are two key concepts that are instilled in military minds, and these traits can be of help when it comes to the trucking industry.

Thinking on the Fly

Adapting to situations as they occur is another crucial trait for both military personnel and truck drivers. Thinking quickly helps you avoid problems and keep yourself and others safe, which is essential in both kinds of situations. Keep your military wits about you and you might turn mountains into molehills on the road.

There’s plenty of crossover between the military and the truck driving industry, so call Phoenix Truck Driving School of Ft. Bliss at (877) 206-8344 to see where you fit in. You can also look through our website to see how we can help you get started as a trucker.

Involve Your Family in Your Trucking Career

Some people who would be well suited for a career in truck driving end up missing their chance, because they’re worried about leaving their families. The reality is that there are plenty of ways that you can stay close to your loved ones while still holding a fulfilling driving job. Read on and involve your family in your trucking career.

Video Chatting

Staying in contact with your loved ones is easy in today’s day and age, thanks to the technology that goes into modern cellphones. Texting back and forth, talking on the phone, and sending each other pictures helps create a sense of connection between you and your family when you’re out on the road. Video chatting takes this to the next level, and there are many platforms that can let you see and speak with your family back home.

Partner Driving

If you get lucky, you won’t have to leave your family at all when you go to work. Team or partner driving allows you to go out on the road with your significant other. In this case you’ll spend your workdays side by side with the person you love, so it never feels like you’re away from your family.

Family Vacations

Even if your job takes you far away from home, you always get to come back. When you do come back and see your family, do your best to make the most of your time together. Consider planning a family vacation once a year so you and your family can relax, enjoy each other’s company, and not have to worry about the road.

Professional driving can give you the freedom you need while still letting you enjoy your time with your family, and the Phoenix Truck Driving School at Ft. Bliss can help you prepare for the road ahead. Give us a call at (877) 206-8344 or view our website to find out exactly how.

How Driving a Truck Differs from Everyday Driving

If you love to drive your car, you may have considered a career in the transportation industry as a truck driver. Though a passion for the open road can help you find success in your new job, it is important to recognize the ways in which truck driving differs from your everyday commute. To get a feel for the differences, read ahead.

A Long-Haul

There are regional and local trucking jobs, but many drivers will pursue long-distance trucking careers that take them across the nation. During these trips, you’ll find yourself behind the wheel for many hours at a time, and you will be driving for several days in a row. Therefore, it’s important to prepare for life on the road with healthy habits like avoiding smoking, eating right, and exercising daily.

Specialized Equipment

You cannot operate a commercial truck without a commercial driver’s license, or CDL. When you get your CDL, you will need to demonstrate that you can use common trucking equipment, which requires a unique skillset. You need to get used to driving a large, heavy vehicle, which can be tougher to maneuver in situations like parking, lane changes, and other regular driving scenarios.

Unique Rules of the Road

In addition to knowing how to operate your semi-truck, you will need to know the unique laws that apply to truckers on the road. While driving on the interstate, for example, you may have a lower speed limit to follow as well as restrictions for passing and changing lanes.

If you want to get a closer look at careers in trucking or prepare for your future on the open road, attend an open house at Phoenix Truck Driving School Ft Bliss. You can get more information about our CDL prep courses and hands-on training by visiting our website or calling us at (877) 206-8344.

What Kind of Salary Can You Expect As a Trucker?

If you are thinking about making any kind of career change, one of your first considerations may be how much money you can make in your new job. A paycheck may not be the only reason you work, but it can be good motivation when it comes to pursuing new career opportunities. In the United States, truckers are well-compensated—even in entry-level positions—and there are many additional benefits that can be expected for those who work full-time. To learn if a trucking career may be in your future, take a look at the type of salary you can expect.

Your Starting Salary

Solo, over-the-road truckers comprise much of the workforce on the road, and these individuals take regional and long-haul trips with a wide variety of cargo. In your first job as a trucker, you might expect to take home about $40,000 annually with opportunities for bonuses.

Your Earning Potential

As you gain experience as a driver, you might think about your career growth. One path you might take is specializing in specific types of cargo, such as hazardous materials. With certification in niche trucking jobs, you can increase your earnings substantially. Alternatively, you may consider partnering with a fellow driver to take on more lucrative team driving positions, or you might strive to become an owner-operator running your own business as a trucker.

Your Benefits Package

Most trucking jobs will be full-time positions, which means that you’ll be eligible for benefits such as health insurance and paid time off. Many truckers enjoy longer periods of time off after long trips on the road, and this benefit of the job can facilitate a more fulfilling family life at home.

If you’re ready to explore your potential as a trucking professional, Phoenix Truck Driving School Ft. Bliss can help you get there. Our training programs are designed to fully prepare drivers for their careers, and we offer a variety of financial assistance to help you get started. Learn more online, or give us a call at (877) 206-8344.

Breaking Misconceptions About Truck Driving

There are a lot of misconceptions out there, and they give people the wrong impressions about things that they aren’t familiar with. Many people think truck driving is only for men, that truck drivers never see their families, and that they all use drugs in order to keep up with the workload. These are merely myths, so keep reading and break the misconceptions about truck driving.

Only for Men

While most truck drivers are men, this statistic doesn’t mean that women can’t enter the industry. As long as you are able bodied and determined, you can get the job done. Women also tend to gravitate towards jobs like dispatching, but they can be truck drivers as well.

Never Seeing Family

It’s true that some truck drivers don’t come home very frequently, but that’s not the standard for the industry. How frequently you come home depends on the type of truck driving you do. Some drivers take regional routes that keep them on the road for days at a time, and others come home every day. If you have a family to worry about, keep that in mind when applying for the truck driving job of your choice.

Using Drugs

There is a stereotype about truck drivers that claims they use drugs like amphetamines to stay awake during their long routes. However, truck drivers are regularly drug tested to make sure they don’t use or abuse drugs in any context. Staying awake longer than you should will take a toll on your reflexes and reaction time, which is the last thing you’d want as a professional truck driver. Modern truck drivers know better than to use drugs as an aid, and will instead turn towards healthier alternatives to keep them going.

If you want the truth about truck driving, feel free to call the Phoenix Truck Driving School at (877) 206-8344. We aim to prepare you for a long and successful career in professional commercial driving. Check out our website to learn more about us today.

Unique Destinations Your Trucking Job May Take You To

Although there are countless reasons to get into the trucking industry, many people choose to do so because of the vast and unique experiences they can have on the job. Making a career out of traveling is exciting, and you’ll see things you never thought you’d see before. From rest stops to tourist attractions and the landscapes themselves, you’ll get paid to view them all. Here are some unique destinations your trucking job may take you to.

Rest Stops

After spending some time driving a commercial truck for a living, you’ll start to realize the importance of rest stops. These are places you’ll come across along your drive where you can fuel up the vehicle as well as your body. Most come equipped with bathrooms, souvenir shops, and eateries, and some even have showers. South Carolina’s South of the Border is one of the more famous rest stops, and some would say it’s more like a theme park than a truck stop. This is just one of the interesting stops you might come across when you live the life of a truck driver.

Tourist Attractions

South of the Border might be equal parts rest stop and tourist attraction, but there are many more attractions you might come across throughout your route. Depending on what kind of truck driving job you have, you might be driving several states away and seeing attractions that you’ve only ever heard about.

Sights and Scenes

Sometimes a beautiful landscape is enough of a destination. When you drive for a living, you’ll see unique places that you’ve never been to before. Soak up the scenery as much as you can, and remember to take some pictures for your family.

Working as a commercial truck driver has all kinds of benefits, and at Phoenix Truck Driving School, we’d be happy to teach you all about them. You can look to us for education in commercial driving so you can land the job of your dreams. View our website or call us at (877) 206-8344 to see what we can do for you.